Friday, October 1, 2010

Turning your dream and passion into a reality

More then once I've often wonder what it would be like to really follow your dreams and just...go for it.  You know what I'm talking about.  The burning vision that's deep down inside of you.  Something that you've been longing to accomplish in your life.  Well, I've been having those thoughts, actually it's more like a constant obsession.  That's good and not good.  It seems to disrupt my work day, at my now job.  It also tends to creep up on me even in the evening, reading others blogs that I follow-or even when I'm on Facebook, reading status updates generally from one of my grown kids. 

I'm going to call it a club, for simplicity sake.  It's a special club and the pre-requisite to be a member is that you've survived...survived cancer.  That club that I'm envisioning is a place where cancer survivors can go.  Almost like a "safe haven."  A place where they could learn about nutrition and what foods their body needs after they've finished cancer treatments.  A place that has exercise programs designed especially for a body that's recovering from (what can be termed) brutal cancer treatments.  A place where they can mingle over a cup of herbal tea, talking to that new found friend on what life is like now that the doctors appointments are no longer a weekly chore. 

Those that have endured a cancer diagnosis knows first hand what goes on.  You're at a malady of doctors what seems to be every other day.  You're usually surrounded with information forth coming from one of the doctors, nurses or technicians.  You're given literature to read and study.  Some doctors will give you a special binder to keep all of your blood work and other lab tests in.  Now, don't get me wrong.  This is all wonderful as well as important.  After all, that's the point where you're in the fight for you life.  But then, by the grace of God along with some wonderful doctors, you survive.  You've made it!  You then come to the point of realizing, I'm a SURVIVOR!  I did it, now what? 

That's where this special place comes in to play. 

Where I live, we do not have this special place for survivors.  Yes, there's the support groups and such, and some excellent cancer wellness centers not too far from here.  But nothing locally in my home town-yet.  You see, it's in the infancy stage currently. 
There's 2 very special people that have this same vision as I have. 
And come hell or high water, we're going to make that special place for all cancer survivors to come and visit, get strong, and learn-learn how to live again.

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